
Westerly: First Nations

June 22, 2023
issue contents

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Billy J. Stratton
On Native and Indigenous Pasts, Presents and Futures in the Land Through Memory, Image and Storytelling

Sarah-Jane Burton
The Wonder and Silence of Paper

Brenda Saunders
‘An Englishman’s Estate’ from ‘The Expeditions of Major Mitchell’, 1836, State Library of NSW.

Brenda Saunders

William Walks Along
Words and Memories at the Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site October 5, 2022

Kimberly Blaeser

Kimberly Blaeser

Kimberly Blaeser
Giishpin Ikwewag, Giishpin Nibi (If Women, If Water)

In the pause before you speak
Kimberly Blaeser

Dr Stacey Kim Coates
Reflections on a Journey

Theodore C. Van Alst, Jr.
American Rex

Paul Collis
About Last Night

Paul Collis
So Deep the Blue…

Diane Glancy
Mid July, Texas

Diane Glancy
Two Spirals on the Canyon Wall

Diane Glancy

Diane Glancy
If We Could but Lightly Travel

Samia Goudie
Salt Water Dancing

Marion Kickett
My Connection to my Grandmother’s Country

Teneale Lavender

Brent Learned
Manifest Destiny

Gerald Vizenor
Fugitive Puppets

Chelinay Gates

Luci Tapahonso
Ilíígo1 Naalyéhé2: Goods of Value


A correction needs to be noted in Samia Goudie’s piece ‘Salt Water Dancing’, on p.71-2, the word ‘Booglebah’ should be spelt ‘Boogelbah’. Apologies to the traditional custodians and community of speakers of the Bundjalung language for this error.

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