‘Us Skeletons on a Blind Date, Waiting’ by Matthew Hooton
Just as English has only twenty-six characters, and fewer shapes, thanks and, and so every page contains the code of every other page—can, in fact, be rearranged to become every other page— so every skeleton contains the bone code, the IKEA assembly instructions, of every other skeleton. Bones the building blocks of this language, this original written word, before wasted literacy, once read by oracles and shamans and gravediggers. An archaic Morse.
Volume 67 Number 2, November 2022
Cover: Jacob Kotzee, Still Life and Window 2021. Oil on canvas. Photograph provided by the artist. © Jacob Kotzee, 2021.
With writing, artwork and ideas from Shastra Deo, Marion Kickett, John Kinsella, Westerly‘s Mid-Career Fellow Caitlin Maling, Jill Jones, Michael Farrell, Yirga Gelaw Woldeyes, Rozanna Lilley, Matthew Hooten, Donna Ward, Kirwan Henry, Richard Rebel, Anne Elvey, Aditi Arun, Martin Kovan, Izzy Roberts-Orr, Kira McPherson, David Edwards, Zoe Deleuil, James Walton, Nadia Rhook, Rosie Moana Pickett, Campbell Andersen, Ann-Marie Blanchard, Fiona Wilkes, Sam Moe, Roland Leach, Emma Crook and many others…
Creative Nonfiction
Mid-Career Fellowship
Photo Essay
Visual Art