A Marriage of True Minds: Leonard and Elizabeth Jolley
by John Barnes
One of the most unsettling experiences in old age is the discovery, after the death of friends whom you thought that you knew well, that you had been unaware of what had been most central to their lives. We live in an age of revelation, when it is easier than it has ever been before to dig up the past; and the public’s ‘right to know’ is freely invoked to justify intrusions into the private lives of the living. The dead, especially celebrities, have always been fair game.
Volume 58 Number 2, November 2013
Cover: Pilar Mata Dupont Detail of still from The Embrace
Single-channel High Definition digital video, 5:04 min colour; sound 2013. Image courtesy of the artist.
The Beauty Issue
The theme of 58.2 is the result of a panel discussion at the Perth Writer’s Festival in which a group including Dennis Haskell and Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery director, Dr Sally Quin, discussed the idea of beauty. Sally Quin contributes a conversation she conducted with three contemporary artists on the topic, including Pilar Mata Dupont, whose video installation is used as a basis for the cover design.
Guest edited by former editor Professor Dennis Haskell.
Please note that physical copies of this Issue have sold out but digital copies remain available (free to download).
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