

November 25, 2016
issue contents

A diverse collection of work from 43 authors includes the voices of Cate Kennedy, Ouyang Yu, Anne Elvey and Paul Hetherington, Issue 61.2 contemplates the outward-looking, complex capacity of writing as a way of understanding both ourselves, and the spaces we live in.

Issue 61.2 introduces the Indigenous editorship of Elfie Shiosaki and welcomes new prose editor, Dr Rachel Robertson.



Eric Shaffer
Walking Zone

Ella Jeffery
Bond Cleaning

Lea McInernay

Stuart A. Paterson
The Athiest’s Prayer

Ignatius Kim
Christchurch stopover

D.A. Hosek
Chicago Sonnet #5

Alice Allan

Liam Ferney
Woman in transit

Josephine Clarke
Child in a Suitcase

Anna Kerdijk Nicholson
From ‘Notes toward a lesser consolation’

Lucy Czerwiec
Abrolhos (after Batavia)

Caitlin Mailing

Brett Dionysius
Southern Bookook Owls

Rose van Son
Flora Abundance

Les Wicks
Kyeemagh’s Sunny April

Anne M. Carson
The filament of the body

Robbie Coburn
For my father, at last

Dick Alderson

Ron Pretty
New Wine

Tim Edwards
The Literary Ant

Paul Hetherington
Itchings and Belongings: After Paul Strand

Paul Munden

Alyson Miller

Anne Elvey
Skin world


Caitlin Prince
Native Animal

Zoe Deleuil
Travelling to the Motherland

Donna Mazza
Love in Two Parts

Karen Atkinson
Everybody Knows

Raelee Chapman
The Gardener

Joanna Morrison
Night Road to Ceduna

Creative Non-Fiction

Marie O’Rourke
Lessons in the Domestic Arts: A Sampler

Yirga Gelaw Woldeyes and Rebecca Higgie
Born Free, Created Poor: Coming of Age in Ethiopia

Heather Taylor Johnson
Skydiving for Twenty-Two Year-olds (and Thirteen Year-olds, and Forty-Two Year-olds)


Cate Kennedy
The Empathy App

Timmah Ball
In Australia

Ouyang Yu
‘A Bilingual Force Moving in Between’: memories of a bilingual animal

Vanessa Wiggin
Thai Miniatures

Siti Sarah Ridhuan
Kain Songket

Jo Jones
Feeling through Form: Kim Scott’s ‘Benang’ and the Romantic Poetic

Nicole Moore
Performing 1971: Dorothy Hewett’s ‘The Chapel Perilous’

Amy Hilhorst
Prose Poetry and Painting with Words: in Conversation with Paul Hetherington


Lika Posamari
Hope ascends with a foot in each world

Marie Munkara
There is Life Here: A review of ‘Two Sisters’

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