
from the editor's desk


Farewell 2016 from the Westerly Team

Another year over, and what a year it’s been!

With 161 authors/artists, and 177 pieces of new work published in both our online and print publications, 2016 has been one of our biggest years yet!

Our first print issue of 2016, Westerly 61.1, came out in July under the auspice of guest editor Stephen Kinnane. This publication focuses exclusively on Indigenous writing and culture, and features contributions from writers such as Kim Scott, Tara June Winch, Bruce Pascoe, and Wayne Barker. On the night, Stephen spoke beautifully about the issue and its selected works:

“Within these pages are stories of the enduring vibrancy and resonance of country, history and culture. There are stories of loss, and in confronting this pain, ‘the yield’ of the accumulation of love and belonging, as our older generations begin to fall away, leaving us to carry on.

There are also stories of ‘the legacies’ that our old people have left us, and how we take responsibility for these and work over time to hopefully create legacies of our own.”

You can read the full version of his launch speech here.

The year also saw the introduction of our Online Special Issues – a new series of publications that are entirely digital, free to access, and each celebrate a specific connection to Western Australia as a space. We released this year two new titles in the series, Westerly: Walking with the Flaneur and Westerly: New Creative, both of which are still available for free download. To find them, click here.

With 161 authors/artists, and 177 pieces of new work published in both our online and print publications, 2016 has been one of our biggest years yet!

15355669_710617365763285_8672979388193046148_nOur latest publication, Westerly 61.2, was launched on the 6th of December, and we are still buzzing after such an incredible night. We are pleased to announce that this issue saw the largest pool of submissions to date, from both national and international writers. On top of this, the standard of writing was extremely high, and so has formed one of our most engaging publications thus far.

The year also saw us welcome Dr Elfie Shiosaki as our first Editor for Indigenous Writing, with her first editorial contributions appearing in Westerly 61.2. The issue features beautiful writing from Indigenous Australians Timmah Ball and Marie Munkara, selected by Dr Shiosaki. Through her appointment we seek to continue our commitment to the publication of Indigenous writing, offering at least 5% Indigenous-authored content in every issue. We are thrilled to have Dr Shiosaki as part of the team, and look forward to working alongside her in 2017!

15327331_1282832205092378_8684081757720271515_nFinally, 2016 saw us run the first iteration of our new Writers’ Development Program! Five emerging authors were in the first cohort, and have been working with mentors in polishing their work. The Program was capped off with a great workshop at Edith Cowan University in Bunbury, under the guidance of Dr Susan Midalia (teaching prose) and Dr Macella Polain (teaching poetry). We’ll be publishing the first pieces of new writing from the group in the new year! Something for you all to look forward to…

From all of us at Westerly, we’d just like to say a big thank you for your continued support and engagement throughout the year! We hope you continue to subscribe and enjoy the Magazine as we go forward.

Until then, we wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

We’ll see you next year,

The Team at Westerly



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