
Digital Archive

Westerly 68.1



Wes Lee
wearing the night

Stephen Muecke
‘flash up, flare up, sparkle, coruscate, glint, gleam, glimmer, streak, twinkle, and so on’

Hannah Reynolds
Idiot Maths vs the Natural Bridge

Brenda Saunders
The Disappearing

Josie/Jocelyn Suzanne
A telephone pole shaped like a crucifix, sundown

Isabella G. Mead

Gemma Nethercote Way

Jennifer Allen
Some People’s Ghosts

Jonno Revanche

Patricia Reid
did a bloody bear take a bath in that

Kate North
Fluid Dynamics

Jan Napier
the thylacine on my tea towel

Michael Farrell
How Do They Live

Jarad Bruinstroop
First Road Trip

Coral Carter
breakfast with my brother

Christopher Konrad

DeWitt Henry
On Scars

Svetlana Sterlin
Apocalyptic sunsets at the дача

Brendan Ryan
Taking it Slow

Graham Kershaw

Luoyang Chen
Stone Flower

Ion Corcos
Strange to be Ignorant about Life

Miles Hitchcock
On the Day of Her Death, the Spirit of Queen Elizabeth II Passes through the Town of Kalgoorlie, Wangkatha Country, Western Australia

Julie Watts

Toby Davidson
Floating Over Atlantis

David Bunn
A thousand pieces

Ellen Shelley
An Island

Rhian Healy
The park after dark Or, the djiti djiti speaks

Alicia Sometimes
Portrait at Howqua River

Petra White
Elegy (12)

Luisa Mitchell
How to check you’re still alive

Madeleine Dale
Taking Men Off the Ice An alternate history of the Franklin Expedition

Sampurna Chattarji
Day 6

Creative Nonfiction

John Kinsella
Labelled, I Became a Puppet Theatre of Protest

Kathryn Imray
History Is Dead People

Kathryn Hummel
Shark Week

Ouyang Yu
My Sixteen Grandfathers

Writers Respond to the John Stringer Prize 2022

Cass Lynch
Wheat and Moon

Rachel Robertson
A Gesture Towards Steam

Helena Kadmos
Leaning In

Jo Pollitt
all ways fire she gives


Alan Fyfe
Autobiography of a Corridor

Paul Fiocco

Jo Langdon
Parting Points

Tiffany Ko
嫲嫲 Maa Maa

Bryant Apolonio
All Persons Living or Dead

Kelvin Kellman
A Brief History of My Name

Jumaana Abdu
Children Go Straight to Heaven When They Die

Poetic Constellations

Elfie Shiosaki, Guest Editor
Note on Westerly's 'Poetic Constellations'

Charmaine Papertalk Green
Ilgari Aba / Grandmother Sky

The Randolph Stow Memorial 2023

Andrew Sutherland
Autobiography of a Sickness


Laura Warren
To Be Both/And

The AAWP/Westerly Life Writing Prize 2022

Suzanne Hermanoczki

Lily Chan

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