Westerly 5:3
H. H. Wilson
The Status of the Writer in Australia
Dorothy Hewett
How Beautiful Upon the Mountains
Vincent Buckley
James McAuley: The Man and The Poet
David Bradley
Second Thoughts About Douglas Stewart
Dymphna Cusack
How I Write
Peter Bibby
Blank Wall at the University
J. M. S. O’Brien
An Old Story
Griffith Watkins
The Mad Fisher Boy
Gavin Casey
Blood of the Fish
Merv Lilley
Sailing 5 p.m.
Colin Johnson
Rachel Percy
A Dream of Droving
Merv Lilley
A review of Ron Tullipan's Follow the Sun
David Mossenson
A review of F. K. Crowley's Australia's Western Third
Darryl Henderson
A review of A Handful of Linden Leaves
Hal Nicholson
A review of The Saga of King Heidrek the Wise