Westerly 4:1
Dymphna Cusack
The Big Leap Forward
Jeana Bradley
The Stamp of Greatness
N. H. Brittan
100 Years of Darwinism
Creative Nonfiction
Katharine Susannah Prichard
Dorothy Hewett
Once I Rode With Clancy…
Francis King
The Cats
Griffith Watkins
As Young As I Was
John O’Brien
I pity the virgin Phyllis
Hugh Laing
From the Love Songs of William Ross
John O’Brien
Max Brown
Cutting Plug
A. E. Sturges
The Lie
Alec King
A review of the Penguin Anthology of Australian Verse
Peter Abotomey
A review of Xavier Herbert's Seven Emus
David Bradley
A review of Geoffrey Dutton's Antipodes in Shoes
David Hutchison
A review of Span
Gaye Tennent
A review of Verse in Australia, 1958