
Digital Archive

Westerly 40:4



Tanya Dalziell
Make Bombs Not Cakes': The Australian Women's Weekly Souvenir Tribute to the War Effort

Jeff Doyle
Missing in Action? War 'Through Women's Eyes'

Steve Bunk
Was the Consul a Spy?

Alan Gould
A Gravitational Pull*

Adrian Caesar
Kitch' and Imperialism: The Anzac Book Re-Visted

Brian Willis
Restriction and Control of Aborigines in Western Australia during World War Two

Creative Non-fiction

Alan Seymour
Came The Dawn

Jean Lang
Who only stand and wait: Extracts from The Land Of Was

Joe O’Sullivan
Jassim: Kurdish Champion

Lee Stupart
T, O, Triangle, W, P, O


Ron Pretty
A review of Black Night with Windows, The Silo: A Pastoral Symphony, Mind in Need of a Desert, and Strange Journey: Poems

Dennis Haskell
A review of Geoffrey Dutton's Out In The Open: An Autobiography and New and Selected Poems


Alan Alexander
The Tale of Kieu

Rita Tognini
My Father's War

Zenon Pirga
Polish Uncle

Andrew Burke
Anzac Day March, The Mateship and All

Desmond Graham
Like Submariners

Geoff Page
Reuben and Sarah

Stephen Lacey
The Spoils Of War

Adrian Caesar
At the Grave of Wilfred Owen

Lawrence Bourke
April 25

Lawrence Bourke

Millicent C Borges
Portrait of a Girl, 1942

Millicent C Borges
Ciscenje Prostora (ethnic cleansing)


Rosanne Dingli
The Most Fortunate Children

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